a few conversational gems
from my evening with Ms. Hann.....
Kaylen: Are you okay? You sounded really sad when I called you this morning.
Me: Well I had just woken up a few minutes ago. I was pretty fuzzy from being asleep. Oh...and I was really sad.
Kaylen: You have to look what my mom sent me for my birthday...on the package it says it is a "throw".
(comes back carrying a skinny vertical rug)
What do I throw it on....a snake?
Me: It's funny what kind of gifts people think are appropriate sometimes. Once I got a book of animal pictures with little inspirational quotes. Things like, "we can't spell success without U!". (pause) Actually, since it was animals, it probably said, "we can't spell Penguin without U".
Kaylen: Are you okay? You sounded really sad when I called you this morning.
Me: Well I had just woken up a few minutes ago. I was pretty fuzzy from being asleep. Oh...and I was really sad.
Kaylen: You have to look what my mom sent me for my birthday...on the package it says it is a "throw".
(comes back carrying a skinny vertical rug)
What do I throw it on....a snake?
Me: It's funny what kind of gifts people think are appropriate sometimes. Once I got a book of animal pictures with little inspirational quotes. Things like, "we can't spell success without U!". (pause) Actually, since it was animals, it probably said, "we can't spell Penguin without U".
pandas pandas pandas,
i made them out of clay
pandas pandas pandas,
with pandas i will play
I'm a battary hog. Mwahahahaa!!!
A throw isn't so bad. If there were snakes, you'd be damn glad you had it!! Moms are always thinking ahead.
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