Tuesday, May 22, 2007

the plagues of marda loop

I'm sorry I haven't been writing much the last few weeks. We are experiencing a slight case of the plagues since Kaylen and I moved into our new place. At first it was merely things that needed to be done...repainting, unpacking, going tappa tappa tappa to find wall studs to hang pictures....oh, and clearing out animal nests from the windows.

It's like having the Discovery channel! Shoo, pidgeons. No more babies.

However, recently it's gotten a little more biblical:

The Plague of Itchiness...

I have a pox. Ever since I moved in I have been waking up every morning with more unsightly red bumps. It got so bad that it prompted me to look up images of bedbugs, which I really wish I had never had to see. However I think it's just mosquitos. Which isn't really surprising considering the fact that the windows have no screens.

The Plague of Crippling Back Pain...

Kaylen has pulled something. Which every day gets worse and worse. Which isn't helped by the fact that she won't sit still and keeps trying to paint the apartment, play basketball, install shelving etc. However we have learned that enough Robaxacet makes even he most hideous IKEA couch bearable. "Look at the pretty colours!"

The Plauge of Rain...

Two days ago, walking to Casablanca video:
Kaylen "I think it's going to rain."
Me "It's not going to rain"
Kaylen "Since when did you become such an optimist?"

However it surely did rain, and after spending an hour in the most obnoxious coffee shop in the neighborhood, we took the long and very soggy and very cold route home. After Kaylen stole their scorpion encased in lucite.

Next plauge? Hopefully not scorpions. We're stocked up.


Blogger kaylen said...

+ plague of weird hoodlums on our front step/fighting on the lawn. shoo hoodlums. no babies.

May 23, 2007 5:49 PM  

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