Friday, November 10, 2006

warning: nerd post


Much like the original Next Generation series, however....

1. Much less emphasis on set design.

2. The holodeck is always offline. When it occasionally works, will only recreate LeCorbusier houses.

3. Riker no longer plays the trombone, but the triangle.

4. Deanna Troi starts wearing turtlenecks.

5. Only every 1 in 100 planets has evolved life. Mostly amoebas.

6. Q only has the power to reheat lukewarm coffee and instantly moisturize skin.

7. Guinan wears bowler hats and serves only gin and tonic.

8. Data is the size of a city block and has less computing power than a handheld calculator.

9. Riker: " that a zen garden on your desk?"

Picard:"Why it too much?"


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