Wednesday, November 08, 2006

a little retro tooth comedy

Tonight I was doing a little housekeeping on my email inbox (sweeping under the fridge, removing cobwebs) and I came across this little gem that a lot of you may remember. From three or four years ago when I got my wisdom teeth out and decided to write an email to everyone I know while high on Valium. It's the kind of comedy that never goes out of style.

hi everyone,

O had my teeth out today. I'm writng to let you all know I'm
okay and I've never written an email before on heavy drugs so
it's fun. It's hard to concentrate and I'm dizzy. They tried to
do local, but I sais no way mr. densits man, and so they put me
on valium or something. lots of it. Apparerently I was
concsious for it but I don't remember much except for some
little bits.
Oh they also decided to take all 4 teet instead of 2, let me know
last minute, wjaever!
So I rememeber sort of watching sailor moon, and then it all
got fuzzy, and I remember then doign stuff near mu mouth, I
don't know what exactly. And they said okay, we're taking your
teeth out right now and then he touched them with a magic wand
and poof they just fell out. Or that's how I rememmber it. And
then afterwards they gave me the teeth to play with and I kept
dropping them.
Then I don't remember anything else until I woke up at six,
even though we had a ride home, and an informative after tooth
care video,a nd apparently I pulled out all my gauze.
Mom says they had to carry me around and I laughed my head off.
SO at six I had some ice cream soup, and some pills, and then
slept again till midnhight. Now's I've just take another t3 and
so maybe that's why this email is fuckt. I'm going to try and
sleep again. There has been very little pain through all the
drugs. mmm drugs. my mouth feels lighter. I've been making my
teeth have litle battles with themselves.
s all for now


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahh yes, I remember this well. I had to drive you around for a few days since you were too high ;) It was ATIVAN you were on...6 whole pills of it. Which would make anyone fucked. I had that, 2 times at mr. dentist when I had 2 teeth out, and then 1. But the best was the sedative they give you for actual dental surgery. Apparently a lot of my text messages on the ride home were like this. And then I fell asleep before my head hit the pillow in my bed.
Your email is way better though.
Oh how great it is you found this little gem of high rhianna.
I love how mom and dad had to guide you to the car laughing and I was just angry and kept swatting dad's hands away when he tried to touch me haha

November 08, 2006 1:09 PM  

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