Saturday, November 25, 2006

hello, freud

Moving on.....because a girl can only be called Hitler so many times before her head won't fit through the door!
I have been having some strange dreams as of late. I'm not sure if they are always so weird or if I have just been having too much rich cheesecake right before bed. Anyway, I thought I'd share a few and try and interpret the boggy marsh that is my mind.

1. The Albatross

One of the saddest things I saw this summer was an albatross in the Galapagos islands. It had broken its own egg while trying to move it. I think they only lay one egg a year or something. Anyway, it was a tragedy. For some reason this albatross keeps appearing in random situations in my dreams. With funny blue feet, waddling on by....

Secret Inner Meaning: I should have an omelet tomorrow.

2. Airplanes

I was visiting two guy friends who had just both gotten their pilots' licence. So we went up in the air in their fabulous WW2 style biplanes with propellors. I was riding in the back with the goggles and scarf, but for some reason one of my friend's girlfriend was out on the wing of the plane playing drums. Like, with an entire drum kit. It was amazing until we were shot down by the Red Baron and came tumbling out of the sky, planes, drums and all.

Secret Inner Meaning: The White Stripes should hire me to direct their next video.

3. Winged Liposuction Needles

It's like a scene out of Fantasia. Dawn breaks in the forest and I come dancing and leaping over a hill. Pursued by thousands of, well, syringes with wings that want to partake of the nectar of my muffintop. There is classical music, choreography and twirling as they feed like hummingbirds, leaving me as gaunt as a 14 year old russian gymnast.

Secret Inner Meaning: Maybe less cheesecake?


Blogger kaylen said...

Ha Ha Ha.... bi-planes.

November 26, 2006 4:11 PM  

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